Monday, March 19, 2007


For years now my co-minister and I have been fretting about "messaging" (This is a word they didn't teach us in seminary. We had to learn it from "West Wing".) How many times would you have to say something before most of the folks in your congregation heard you? How many times could you say something before folks said "enough already." It turned out both numbers were much higher than we expected.

Last week a woman complemented me on a recent sermon. She said something like "it's nice to have a break from all that talk about the environment." I was thrilled! Apparently it takes 2 years of non-stop messaging to get to some kind of saturation point. (And with only 3 months to spare...)

I wanted to call my co-minister and say "We did it! We did it!"
Can you call someone on their maternity leave to talk about messaging?

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