Monday, January 29, 2007


In preparation to put our house on the market, we took the realtor's advice and hired a landscaper to come make our yard look like a vacation wonderland. It cost as much as some cars I've bought, but it really does look like a special place. So why do I feel so weird? I feel weird because it's still winter, and most of the plants are still asleep- so even after all that work most plants are still a little droopy and dormant. I feel weird because it used to be my special place, and now it's kind of not. I feel weird because I usually garden in this micro kind of way where I can't pull out one tiny half-dead plant because I feel like I know them personally and I'm not going to kill them just because they are going through a hard time. These amazing professionals are of the "only the strong survive" philosophy and cleared out all my mutts to make room for big sturdy nursery-grown plants that will be very impressive when the house finally goes on sale next month. And they did it all in 8 hours, with a little follow up the next day. I feel like I was hit with a Mac truck of beauty and order and I don't know how I feel about that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need to get listed with

and let writing be your spiritual practice! People need to hear/read your minister voice!