Tuesday, February 27, 2007

by size

As part of our ongoing effort to ready our house for market, I have just arranged all my books by size. Seriously. Over sized books, spiral bound books and books with staples on the spine were banned to the garage or to our storage pod. I keep finding a book that's just a couple millimeters taller than its neighbor, and have to get back into the fray. The funny thing is that I must have done this as a child, because I remember thinking about some of the really old books "yes, this one is just a bit taller than you think." If that won't feed a person's OCD I don't know what will.

Which brings us to the deep existential question here:

Why are books not a standard size? Or a standard set of 3 sizes? Why would one book be 2 millimeters taller than another?

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