Monday, March 26, 2007


At a BBQ this weekend I met the 3-month-old baby of some friends I haven't seen in a long time. The baby slept peacefully for most of the party, and then started to wail. It was that kind of wail that makes mothers from all over the house come to see why the baby is being tortured. Baby, of course, was in mom's arms, and receiving loads of love and care. Finally Mom handed baby to sister who said, "Mom needs a break."

I suddenly flashed back to my son's infancy. He was a "colicky" baby, which means "crying for no discernable reason for many months." I remembered all those times my son would cry and helpers would say " I think he wants you" but really my son was just going to scream, no matter who held him, no matter what anyone did. (Although bouncing in just the right way while standing-not-sitting would help somewhat). And come to think of it, it was my sister who understood and would hold him even when he was screaming, so Mom could just go somewhere 12 feet away and take deep breaths.

My partner hates the word Colic. He thinks it's just a word doctors use to make themselves feel better about how there is nothing they can do to help you with your screaming baby.

I kind of like the word; it works as a euphemism for "a special kind of hell" so that you can talk about it with other parents without sounding like a bad mother.

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